《極速罪駕》(Drive)導演 Nicolas Winding Refn 的串流平台,選來的大多是極偏鋒、極罕、極古怪的作品,其中佔不少是所謂「剝削電影」(exploitation films),香港較少人談論,絕對大開眼界。每隔一季左右,網站便會有新的專題上架,部分輔以文章導賞,很有誠意,執筆之時的專題為「Dark Brink of Love」,選映的作品包括了 1962 年的美國電影《Stark Fear》,導演以集心理、懸疑、驚悚、黑色的風格,講述一個女主角被丈夫及其朋友虐待的故事。
byNWR 早前亦公佈,網站所有內容會於這段艱難日子免費發放,大家甚至不用登入,就能立即觀賞。他們這樣說:
A deadly virus knocks upon our door. We’ve been told to isolate ourselves, disconnect from human interaction. These are troubled times, and with the digital screen being our only window to the outside world, we need light more than ever. So at this very moment I am removing the last trace of commerce from our sign-in. I hope you accept my humble offering and open the treasure chest that is byNWR to experience the future, for we believe that creativity is for everyone. And we urge all other content providers to do the same during this apocalyptic time – make art and entertainment free…and free the people!